Today was a very long day! We started this morning with a tour of a local cheese farm called La Bottera. It’s a family run farm in the Cuneo area. They make a variety of different cheeses that are shipped all over the world. The smell of the cheese was a little overwhelming and made me a little nauseous.
After seeing the cheese production we moved outside to see their livestock. They get all their milk from their own animals, and the milk they use is a blend of three different milks; goat, sheep, and cow. We were only able to see the cows. After the cows we were able to see the pigs that they raise there. The pigs drink the whey that is made in the production of the cheeses.
After seeing the pigs we walked to their restaurant where they only cook with the products that they produce on their farm or locally. We had a delicious 10 course lunch! Everything was very good but it was a lot of food! We spend about 3 hours eating lunch. These are just a few of the courses that we had.
This was a selection of meats that they produce in the farm
This was a fresh made gnocci, which I normally don’t really like, but this was very good.
This is a type of pasta similar to a ravioli. It is stuffed with meat and vegetables with a red sauce.
For dessert we had a molten lava cake with a fresh cream and strawberries a raspberry sauce.
After lunch we headed to Bianca del Vino, which is the wine bank that holds a variety of select wines from Italy. After the lunch that we had, I wasn‘t feeling very well so it wasn’t that enjoyable for me. I really didn’t find the tour to be that interesting. We have an early morning tomorrow so I will probably be going to bed very early tonight since I haven’t slept very well in over three days.